
Happiness. Dulu dan Sekarang.

What is Happiness?

Menurut wikipedia:

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

Then, comes another question. What makes you happy?

Waktu kecil saat ditanya ini mungkin jawabannya as simple as dapet es krim coklat? Atau bisa main di time zone? Atau buat yang rajin, bisa rangking satu dan dapet hadiah dari orang tua?

Nah, gimana saat udah SMP? Mungkin jawabannya happy karena gebetan akhirnya nembak? Happy karena having your first kiss with the one you like? Atau as simple as bisa jalan-jalan bareng temen-temen?

Lain lagi waktu jaman SMA. Cabut sekolah trus jalan-jalan ke mall bareng temen-temen atau makan di pinggir jalan sama pacar itu udah cukup bikin happy. Klo jaman kuliah? Happy kalo bisa makan di restoran yang agak mahal sama pacar, dosen gak ada atau clubbing bareng temen-temen.

These reason of being happy selalu berbeda. Berbeda karena bertambahnya umur, berbeda karena keadaan, berbeda karena kondisi ekonomi, berbeda karena bertambahnya tingkat pendidikan, atau mungkin juga berbeda karena bertambahnya pengalaman hidup.

Well, di umur yang sekarang dan sudah melewati beragam kejadian di hidup (jiee #sokiye bener), I see happiness as the entity of life.

Pernah denger “Happy people is thankful people”?

Happiness is about you. It’s about you being thankful for everything you’ve had in life. And my way of being thankful is embracing every moment in my lifethat makes me smiles and trying to create as many smiles as possible in someone else’s face.

Saya pernah ditanya sama CEO di tempat saya bekerja, “What makes you happy?”

Lalu saya menjawab “I’m happy when I know that I’m the reason of someone else’s happiness”
Because for me, knowing you are the reason of someone else’s smile is what makes life worthwhile.

So, what’s your answer? What makes you happy? :)

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

nice story lid...happiness is something that u can feel in your heart,if u are thankful to all that u have and u love u will feel happy in ur heart and it radiates from u..i'm glad to read it;)

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